Online silent auction for mental health

Eat Canberra’s Founder and Managing Director, Amelia Bidgood, is raising money for headspace and an online silent auction for mental health is happening now! There are now 20 (one has already been snapped up) food, beverage, health and accommodation items up for grabs and all money raised will go to Amelia’s fundraiser for headspace. The online silent auction ends on Wednesday 26 August at 10pm so there’s still time to get involved!

Continue reading Online silent auction for mental health

The White Jacket Effect: The realities of working in the hospitality industry

I’ve said it before and I’ll continue to say it again….. and again. Working in the hospitality industry is a tough gig and there are lots of difficulties that customers might not understand. It’s easy for people to write a negative review online or to get angry if they have to wait an extra 10 minutes for their meals when a venue is run off their feet.

Continue reading The White Jacket Effect: The realities of working in the hospitality industry