Mango and coconut chia pudding

Mango and coconut chia pudding

I love mangoes! I was recently in Queensland (where I’m from and where my family live) and my dad has about 6 mango trees near his house. They are owned by a local fruit shop owner and they’ve given dad permission to pick them. So we picked them straight from the tree with dad’s handmade mango picker. One person had to catch them while the other hooked the mango and pulled it free from the tree. It was lots of fun and we shared our bags of mangoes with the rest of the family when we saw them over the Christmas break. That was the first time I had picked mangoes! Continue reading Mango and coconut chia pudding

Summer coconut and mango cake

Eat Canberra

I have a confession to make – I’m not really a big fan of the traditional Christmas fare.

While I absolutely love summer and Christmas, for the most part, I could happily forgo the mince pies, cold ham and roast turkey. My preference, this time of year, is for fresh, light and summery flavours. Continue reading Summer coconut and mango cake