Eat Canberra is a website that’s free for you to enjoy so you can discover all things food, beverage and travel related. Several years of unpaid work have gone into growing Eat Canberra to what it is today. Hours and hours of work go into creating the free content that you have access to. Because you don’t pay, we need to find alternative ways to generate income to continue to run Eat Canberra and to pay for things like salaries and the essentials.

To ensure that you continue to have free access to our content, we need to generate income. We do this by accepting forms of paid advertising, sponsorship, giveaways and social media activations. We sometimes accept free products, services, travel, event tickets and other forms of compensation from companies and organisations.

We don’t get paid for all of the content that we create and we ensure that we would honestly recommend the businesses, products or services that we work with. We also ensure that they align with Eat Canberra and our readers, you.

Most of our clients are local businesses and by sharing their story with you, we believe that we’re helping our economy and doing our bit to show you and others, how great Canberra and the surrounding regions are.

Despite the compensation we sometimes receive we will always give our truthful opinions, findings, beliefs and experiences on those matters. We’ve turned down several requests for coverage if the product or service isn’t something we would recommend to our community and we will continue to do this.

The views and opinions expressed on this blog are those of their respective authors. Any representation made about a product, service or other matter should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party responsible for the matter in question.

If you want to know more, email